Outdoor area

Outdoor venue in Stuttgart – Expansive. Open. Multifunctional. Are you planning an outdoor event? Our Guntram-Palm-Platz square offers you the chance to hire a fantastic outdoor space.

Room details

Our outdoor area is perfect for open-air corporate events.

Our beautiful and spacious outdoor area is available to you for your events, breaks and intermissions and celebrations. Weather permitting, you can enjoy the sunshine and the amazing ambience here, take a break and rest and chat in a relaxed atmosphere. The Guntram-Palm-Platz is a venue for open-air events that measures around 1,150m² and offers plenty of space for outdoor corporate events, an outdoor festival or an open-air concert.

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We offer more than just space

Floor plan

The perfect backdrop for your outdoor events in Stuttgart

The Schwabenlandhalle offers two different yet well-matched architectural styles: Elegant, prestigious and defined by a sophisticated ambience - the old building. Bright, airy, characterised by expansive glazing and high ceilings - the new building, completed in 2006.

The Schwabenlandhalle impresses with a range of suitable rooms for any occasion and any event size. Our venue offers the perfect setting for your event – whether classic, contemporary or sumptuous.

The Schwabenlandhalle's function rooms are located on two floors. Please refer to this floor plan for an overview of all rooms.

Enquire now
VerwaltungAusgangEingangshalleUhlandsaalHesseMörikeFoyer HesseGroßes FoyerHeuss-KnappHölderlinsaalUhlandsaalUhlandsaalFoyerUhlandsaalBühneBühneVorbühneEingangs-halleAuberlenDiskussions-raumSeminarraumKeplerDaimlerEingangHesse/MörikeEingangVerwaltung / Technik(im Innenhof)Eingang Hölderlinsaal(über Guntram-Palm-Platz) Eingang AuberlenEingang Uhlandsaal(über Guntram-Palm-Platz)Eingang UhlandsaalEingang SeminarraumEingangDaimler/KeplerAufzugEingangEbene 1Ebene 0


Capacities & downloads
  Floor space (m²) Height (m) Theatre Classroom Gala Banquet U shape Boardroom
Guntram-Palm-Platz 1.150 Please contact us Please contact us Please contact us Please contact us Please contact us Please contact us Please contact us


Floor space (m²) 1.150

Contact details

Please contact
Nicole Bauer
Project Manager Events

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Lena Kurka
Project Manager Events

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Our choice of rooms

Hire more function rooms
Vorbereiteter Konferenzsaal im Hölderlinsaal mieten.


  • Row1400
  • Parliament600
  • Banquet950
  • Gala250
Großes Foyer vor der Hölderlinhalle.

Large Foyer

  • Row-
  • Parliament-
  • Banquet-
  • Gala-
Der Uhlandsaal ist einer der zu mietenden Säle.


  • Row387
  • Parliament180
  • Banquet226
  • Gala144
Der vermietete Hesse Mörike Konferenzraum, vorbereitet für Konferenzen.

Hesse and Mörike

  • Row500
  • Parliament280
  • Banquet400
  • Gala315

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Guntram-Palm-Platz 1

70734 Fellbach


Festhalle Schmiden

Hofäckerstraße 2

70736 Fellbach


Alte Kelter

Untertürkheimer Str. 33

70734 Fellbach



Auf dem Kappelberg 2

70734 Fellbach


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